''Describe an advert you would create for Jaguar cars aimed at the Chinese market.''
(Using DeBono's hat theory)
Jaguar cars
- British car, made in Britain.
- Founded in 1922
- Makes cars for the Royal Family
- Logo symbolises 'speed' and 'power'
Jaguar & China
- one of the rarest cars in China
- never officially exported over
- Jaguar are trying to sell 100,000 cars this year in China itself. (due to gaining profits)
- Parts are more expensive
- Premium gasoline needed for cars (more expensive)
- Not many Jaguar dealers around UK/China
YELLOW HAT: (reviews of Jaguar cars from costumers)
- Reliable
- Smooth
- Handles well
- Speed
- Comfort
Looking on YouTube.com at other car advertisements shown in China, I found a correlation between the adverts. They usually have a male and female model, use shots of China, involve new, futuristic looking technology (such as one advert using a see-through looking key for the car) and show modern architecturally designed buildings.
In my opinion, the theme of Chinese car adverts seem to be 'cool', 'clean cut' and 'futuristic'.
This is good for making consumers feel that they are technologically one-step-ahead, making them feel socially confident. However, it can also mislead the costumer to thinking too highly of the car itself, making them feel disappointed when it doesn't come with some of the 'gadgets' shown in the advertisement.
Also, the adverts seem to be aimed at young professionals (models are aged between 25-30) and are mainly aimed at men.
Jaguar car adverts tend to be set in more traditional English countryside settings, but also include male and female models around the same age of those shown in China.
- needs to portray a modern car with a modern design
- try to include some of the older, classic English aspects in the advert.
Image surfing:
I used 3 objects such as a bottle, keys and scissors.
Scissors gave me the most creative outcome to create an advert; scissors, cutting, shapes, stars, space, planets.
Set in space, a spaceship can be seen (although, this wouldn't look like the typical spaceship, it would be of a new, modern design). Then a shot of the model inside, one male, around the age of 25-30. We see this man going from various planets, he seems to be searching for something, but fails every time to find whatever it is he's looking for. Then, in the distance, he sees an unfamiliar and unknown world. When he lands, he sees an old, traditional looking world (was thinking of ancient China - to link it back to the target audience). However, looks can be deceiving, the more he walks around this new and exciting planet it is filled with new technology, things he has never seen before. The people who occupy this world wear clothes that reflect the planet - traditional with a modern twist. He then finds himself deep in the heart of the city, when he stumbles on what he's been searching for...the new Jaguar car. Fade out, slogan appears, black background with white writing in Agency FB font; "classic technology".
Although many of the advertisements for cars in China usually involve both a male and female model, I have chosen to only use a male model due to there being an increase in the ratio of men to women in China. When researching into this, China has a much larger male population than women. However, I feel that I could have changed this by making it just a women, but due to the target audience itself, I want to aim my advertisement at the wider target consumer instead.
The advertisement I have created reflects both the Jaguar company as a classic car manufacture and China as one of the most technologically advanced nations. The use of space and the futuristic designs (such as the spaceship and clothing) represent China, but the old, traditional city that keeps this hidden represents Jaguar. Outside it may look classic, but inside it modern.
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